Naturopathy & Nutrition

What can Naturopathy do for you?

Naturopathy embraces a comprehensive perspective on wellbeing, striving to empower individuals to cultivate a wholesome and vital lifestyle. At its core, naturopathy emphasizes the significance of maintaining a nourishing diet, ensuring access to pure water, harnessing the benefits of sunlight, engaging in regular physical activity, and effectively managing stress.

Clients come to me to discuss:

Eating disorders and body image

Sports performance

Female hormones

Gut disorders


Stress management

Mental health support

I have worked with Women Navigating Eating disorders, Peri + Menopause, Athletes, Executives, High performance individuals achieve a better balance with body + mind. I am trained in Health At Every Size® (HAES®) and offer inclusive, respectful therapy that focuses on well-being and self-compassion for my clients.

Our practice embodies traditional naturopathic principles combined with current research and integrative medical innovations. We keep abreast of the abundant information coming from biomedical, nutritional and natural products research, and we are happy to see the increasing scientific underpinnings in areas of traditional naturopathic practice – such as lifestyle medicine, nutritional science, phytomedicine, the gut and the microbiome.  We love our herbs! And they can play a very important role in healing.

How Free Your Body is different is that we will primarily use Mindset, Food as medicine and Herbal medicine first as these lay the foundation of where healing truly begins rather than looking for a band-aid effect.


Get in touch.